I would like to thank everyone for their support! Please know that Wodan's recovery will be an ongoing process and your thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement and support are still very important. I am so proud of the outpouring of support that this site has help to create. It is my intention to keep this site active and updated for as long as Mike and Wodan will allow. Every report that I receive from Mike, Dr Christiansen and Dr Keim will be posted to keep you informed.

I would like to send a special thank you to our friends at PAdotNET for make this site possible!

I would like to thank Lulu for her assistance with framing the photos that are on the site!

Thanks to Sam Lamonto, Mike's brother, for the "dog quotes" that are featured. They were his idea and he continues to keep me supplied with them. Sam has been extremely helpful and supportive to Mike and his family through this ordeal.

I would also Like to thank my friend Curt H. for bringing the poem, "Guardians of the Night" to my attention!
